Leisure Groups


Tripkonnect offers you one of the best sources for group travel planners with a passion for creating unforgettable group travel experiences. Tripkonnect hunts & discovers destination sites, planning best practices and solutions that help group travel organizers create enticing, group-friendly itineraries in popular and best tourist locations.


Attract new interests

Today’s trends & lifestyles are changing, so do the types of groups that travel. Your destination can benefit from new travellers that range from niche travel clubs fulfilling a mission to affinity groups. Always on the lookout for the next place that can offer something different these groups are the perfect match for destinations that want to promote their attractions.


True source of travel revenue

In an industry of ups and downs, groups continue to travel regardless of economic downshifts. Groups plan well in advance of their trip, usually 6-12 months ahead, therefore, reservations are secured ahead of time and positively impact marketing budgets.


Travel year around

Other tourists are tied to prime travel season, but groups have a different motivation for travel and often seek low-season or mid-week trips to fit their needs. Group travellers are a great solution to off-season travel slumps.


One decides, rest of you follow

Every planner you connect with represents an average of 20-40 potential travellers. When you are looking to make every cent of your budget count, an investment in marketing to groups makes a significant impact on your budget return.

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